About Harmony

Harmony Mental Wellness Solutions seeks to maximise the mental wellbeing of society through good mental health. Mental Health is a state of well-being in which the individual “realises his or her own abilities, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to contribute to his or her community”

1. This means mental health is not simply the absence of mental diseases. The implication is that anything that prevents one from working productively (e.g. a domestic conflict at home or financial challenges that occupy one’s mind) is a mental health issue. Mental health is therefore an essential component of social cohesion, productivity, peace and stability in the living environment, contributing to social capital and economic development in societies 1.

Our Vision

Our Mission

Our Origin

Dr Chiwoza Bandawe

Dr. Chiwoza Bandawe founded harmony Mental Wellness Solutions in 2019 in response to the growing need for mental health workshops and mental health literacy promotion.

Dr. Chiwoza Bandawe is a Malawian Clinical Psychologist. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology obtained from the University of Cape Town in 2000. He is registered as a Clinical Psychologist with the Medical Council of Malawi. Chiwoza has run numerous workshops for schools, churches, organisations and various groups.

He is the author of three books, all published by Montfort Media:


From Left to right: Henry, Chisomo and Dr Chiwoza – Captured @harmony in Namiwawa

Henry Jones Mwale is a Psychologist registered by the Medical Council of Malawi. He holds a BSc (Hons) Degree in Psychology from Women’s University in Africa, Zimbabwe. He also holds a Diploma in Psychotherapy from St. John of God College of Health Sciences obtained in 2012. Henry Mwale has over a decade of professional experience in providing quality psychotherapy services utilising evidence-based approaches working in Addiction Recovery Programs, Schools, Psychiatric hospital, Prisons, and other health care settings. He is experienced and adept at working with children, adolescents and adults through individual, group, couples & family therapy sessions

Chisomo Machemba is Harmony Mental Wellness Solutions Clinic Administrator. He holds an Advanced Diploma in Public Health from Blantyre Institute of Management. As the Administrator, He is responsible for the smooth running of the Clinic, organization of workshops, monitoring and managing client bookings and payments. He also responds to client queries. Apart from working as Administrator, Chisomo is also a Mental Health advocate and as part of promoting mental health, works as Coordinator for Blantyre Alcoholic Anonymous.